Our Bright Solar Future event

An audi­ence of more than 100 peo­ple gath­ered at the DKA Solar Cen­tre on August 10, to hear about the chal­lenges and solu­tions around inte­grat­ing more renew­able ener­gy into the Alice Springs pow­er system. 

The event, called Our Bright Solar Future: Learn­ing from Our Lead­ers formed part of the DesertS­MART Eco­Fair

Many ques­tions were posed to the three speak­ers, Ekisti­ca engi­neer Clare Payn­ter, NT Min­is­ter for Renew­ables, Ener­gy and Essen­tial Ser­vices Dale Wake­field, and DICE Aus­tralia direc­tor, Ray­mond Pratt. 

Some of the points that were raised are cap­tured in this arti­cle

Many thanks to Dr Dan Tyson (DKA) and Jas­mine Sto­ry (ALEC) for cap­tur­ing images on the day.