Off-grid power in the NT
The Northern Territory’s land mass is 1.4 million square kilometres, with a population of little more than 200,000. Many people live long distances from regulated power grids, relying on off-grid systems for their electricity requirements.
Quick facts
- There are about 430 homelands/outstations in the NT.
- These communities are home to more than 10,000 people.
- 130 stand-alone power systems were installed during Bushlight.
- Off-grid systems are also used at tourist facilities, ranger stations and pastoral properties.
This fact sheet touches on the remarkable work of Bushlight, a project rolled out between 2002 and 2013 by the Centre for Appropriate Technology.
The report that prompted Bushlight can be viewed HERE.
In 2019 Intyalheme worked with Ekistica to produce a best practice manual which leveraged the knowledge generated during Bushlight. Is it called the Off-Grid Guide. Find out more HERE.
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